Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Car2Go experience

When I didn't have Kate’s car I had Car2Go...and still do, but don't use it quite as often as you soon shall understand why. Getting a membership to the fabulous car 2 go is great, as long as you stay in the operating area. Once you step out of the operating area, watch out. Shards of glass come flying at your windshield, there are snapping crocodiles, and lions and tigers and a freaking moat, with poisonous snakes in it. Ya, it’s bad. Not only do they charge you like double rental time, you have to make sure you don’t run out of battery juice. I was convinced that they were hybrids, with both gas and electric engines…nope. Not the case. I go to an interview in Rancho Bernardo, and I’m at 20% juice left, halfway there, probably due to my heavy foot. Apparently if you press the pedal to the floor it drains it faster, who knew? So I arrive to my destination but I’m defiantly NOT going to make it home on this amount. I hit the SOS button, yes it has an SOS button, and a teenage customer service girl, informs me that the closest charge station is 7 min away, and I have to assume the risk going back that way because I might not make it. Cool, thanks. So if I'm stranding on the side of the highway, it’s my fault. I suppose I could still hit that SOS button, and we could sit around an chat about the Kardashians or something. I leave my job interview, get in the car, say a little prayer, cross my fingers, and DO NOT press the pedal to the medal this time. Scary. #2 Trucks coming up behind you, going 70, while you’re a 2-person car going 50 and literally feel the car blowing in the wind, and there’s the dash say “3 min remaining”. Ya. I make it there barely, and still have time juice left to drive around in circles around a college campous looking for the damn thing. When I actually find the charge station with this girl's INCREDIBLE direction giving skills. I plug in thinking it would just take a few minutes, and walk around this college campus looking for a bathroom. Come back and in 15 min, it’s barely made a dent in the charge. Fuck. I go for a walk around to the plaza. Walking comes very natural to me now, having been walking for months in Costa Rica, with no car. I kind of like it now. No body walks in the U.S, at least not in CA. I kill some time, go get some food, go to Kinko’s, print off tickets for Lucidity Fest. When I come back to the car, after like 2 hrs, it had enough to get my home, so I go. I park on Imperial Ave, which is the boarder of the operating zone and have to walk back to Amy's a couple blocks. Well, the car doesn’t let you leave until you go plug it in at a charge station, because again, it’s low on fuel. So I go, try my damnedest to find a damn charge station. And can’t. So my SOS now an angry rant rather than a cry for help. They release me from my car 2 go captivity and I get reimbursed for my 3 hrs that I had to use their silly car. 

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