Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Logistics, Decompression and Recreation

Before I moved to my work parking lot, I would still parked elsewhere, like the beach for instance. I mean, that’s what RVs are for aren't they? Recreation? Of course my situation is a bit tricky, and in the RV world, I’m considered a “full-timer” meaning I live in my RV full time, and don’t just take it out on weekends and holidays. I have to plan things out a bit more accordingly. Like how much electricity and water do have remaining, and will my kitty have a safe place to run around. It takes lots of scoping out and moving at the right times of the day to make this all happen. But it does, and I've had the pleasure of beach front property without the costs many a times. Of course, so do bums...
There are challenges that go with every perk in this life. Charging the thing, for example; it needs it every one in a while however, and I, for that matter do as well. I have to find friends...or strangers with a front yard so I can drag my extension cord in through and use the facilities. Things like bathing, are often taken for granted when you live in a house, with walls and stuff. I had an overwhelming response on CouchSurfers for people offering me to park by their houses, or just showering and letting my cat run around in their yard. However a lot of these wonderful souls were way too far out of the way, and for $100 a tank, I can just drive up to Escondido for shits and giggle. I do however welcome these down times though. It’s good to have some quiet decompression time. Clean up, relax the mind, body and soul.
After being gone for a 10 day festival adventure, I pick up Gatita from the sitter, and what a pissed off kitty she was. She wouldn't look me in the eyes for first night and ran away outside to play for 2 nights straight. She hates being indoors all day, but who does?! You can actually see her slim down when she gets back into nature and back to the wild kitty that she is. But there was also no way I could take her to a festival. She would freak out and run away, or worse, some hippy would find her and think she’s the new great messiah or something and she would never be seen or heard from again. 
Another problem with living in an RV is that the fridge doesn't work unless it’s plugged into a wall. Well that’s not the only problem with THIS particular RV, but it’s a big one. And if you're all fancy and shit, and have a generator, you don't have that problem either. Not I, said the fly. So not only do I have to move my RV all over town, chasing an electrical outlet and a shower, there are times where I have to get all of my modes of transportation all into one sport, in which case, I get to play musical cars/bikes/RVs with myself. You think I’m crazy, but let me give you an example. I parked and recharged at my friends Alex’s house for a night, and then, during the day time when everyone’s at work, I drove my RV to my old house on PB drive. Parked there, biked back, locked the bike up at Alex’s and drive back Kate’s car to the PB house. Then in the morning, I would rollerblade to Alex’s and then bike back with the rollerblades in my backpack. Sounds like fun doesn't it? I’ve had to do variations of this many a times, to the point where I've gotten it down to a science. There’s a certain time for parking to be available, and when traffic is good and bad, certain roads to take for an unregistered RV, just little things to take into consideration.
When all of my modes of transportation are at one house, I can relax and chill for a few days. Look for jobs, yoga, read a book. I had a prime spot at the PB house. I could plug in and charge, do laundry, get my mail, bike ride, see my friends, and be close enough for work and play. Sadly it only lasted a few stints and now there’s a whole new crew living in that house and I can no longer take advantage of the amenities. More on that later. The one thing that sucks about PB drive is that it’s a busy street and there are tons of cars constantly going back and forth disturbing my peace. How dare they!?. If you've ever slept in a car, you can understand that when other cars drive by, it shakes and rattles you and everything in it. It wakes you up, and kind of scares you. I mean, what if they get to close and hit you? Usually that’s about when I start looking for a new spot.

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